
The Lazy DM's Forge of Foes

Created by Mike Shea

Preorder Forge of Foes and our related products!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Forge of Foes Locking Addresses Soon!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 04, 2023 at 08:20:00 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Forge of Foes Print Book Update
over 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 12:34:18 PM

The final prep work and proofing to get Forge of Foes ready for printing is done! 

We just sent out a new version of the PDF of Forge of Foes, version 1.2.2, through BackerKit with some fine-tuning from the one sent last month.

If you have trouble getting your rewards or you’re one of the few left who hasn't filled out your BackerKit Survey, you access it here:

If you're still having trouble, please email [email protected] and include your full name and  Kickstarter email address so we can look up your order.

Forge of Foes Heading to the Printer

This Friday, August 18, we send the Forge of Foes print file to the book printer. We estimate the book will be printed and delivered to our two fulfillment centers at the end of September.

We expect to lock addresses in BackerKit in the next couple of weeks. You’ll receive an email asking you to verify your mailing address but you can always do so early at the link above.

Once the books are at our distribution hubs, physical book orders will be sent out as fast as our fulfillment partners can process them throughout October.

Ebook Package Coming Soon

During the campaign we mentioned releasing material from Forge of Foes into the Creative Commons. We're also going to release the book as an ePub for you ebook lovers! In September or early October we'll release a new ebook package including the latest PDF, the ePub version of the book, and the Creative Commons licensed material from Forge of Foes in an HTML file. This package will be sent to all backers receiving the PDF version of Forge of Foes through BackerKit but also through DriveThruRPG so you can add it to your DTRPG library if you prefer it there. Expect that sometime in September or early October.

We’re so excited to get these books into your hands at the last stage of what’s been an incredible creative process and a great campaign!

Teos, Scott, and Mike

Forge of Foes PDF Released!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 11:04:42 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Forge of Foes PDF Coming Soon!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 03:58:58 AM

We’re preparing the initial Forge of Foes PDF for release at the end of the month! We’re getting back our final round of artwork (see the bottom of this post for some awesome examples), finishing final edits and initial proofing, and laying out the book. At the same time, a read-through of the book by a sensitivity reader and cultural consultant is underway.

At the end of June, you’ll get a notification from BackerKit with a link to the initial Forge of Foes PDF. Even as you dig into all the book's monstery goodness, we’ll be going over the PDF with a fine tooth comb during our final proof stage as we prepare to get the print PDF off to the printer — likely at the end of July. (Feedback from any backers on any typos you might find in the initial PDF is more than welcome!) When the print proof stage is done, we'll release an updated PDF with any fixes.

If You Haven’t – Fill Out Your Backerkit Survey!

At this point, 220 of you still have not responded to your BackerKit survey. You gave us your money but we can't send you any product yet! You must fill out your BackerKit survey to get your rewards.

If you haven’t received and filled out your survey, use the URL below to recover your BackerKit survey using your Kickstarter email address:

If you’re still having trouble email [email protected] with your Kickstarter name and email address so we can get a BackerKit survey sent out to you.

Sample Art and Layouts

While we all wait for the Forge of Foes PDF, please enjoy some awesome art and page spreads!

Art by Jack Kaiser
Art by Matt Morrow
Art by Jackie Musto

Forge of Foes – Finalizing BackerKit Orders
over 1 year ago – Fri, May 12, 2023 at 07:14:06 AM

As of today, 93 percent of you selected your rewards and submitted your Forge of Foes BackerKit survey! Thank you!

For those remaining, you must submit your Forge of Foes BackerKit survey to receive your rewards!

BackerKit regularly emails reminders about the survey. If you’re not seeing them, please check your trash or junk folders. If you still can’t find them, email [email protected] with your email address and we’ll send it to you.

For those who completed your survey, we’ll be finalizing orders and charging your credit cards for any remaining balance due on Friday, May 19.

Once you complete your survey, you can download all digital rewards except for the Forge of Foes PDF itself, which we’re still working on.

Expect the Forge of Foes PDF at the end of June and physical book shipments between September and December, 2023.

We'll keep you updated as we have more specific dates and details.

Thank you very much for your support!

Teos, Scott, and Mike